Prometeo copytrading system

We present a professional algorithmic system for use in social trading.

You can also watch the video we have prepared, which condenses the information you will receive on this page.

If you have any doubts about the registration process, do not hesitate to contact us at contact our support. We will be happy to help you. Have you joined our Telegram Community?

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*Estimated returns based on results obtained during testing on real accounts and based on historical backtests, statistical studies and tests performed in our quantitative optimization laboratory. Past performance does not guarantee future performance. We are not financial advisors and do not offer investment advice. Always do your own research before risking your money.

**Please manage your capital correctly and have a profit withdrawal plan according to the risk you want to assume.

Prometeo copytrading guide and account validation

We show you one of the actual audited accounts on which we have based our parameter setting decision so that you can analyze the results. This is an account with high risk settings anchored in ETH that has helped us to check the validity of the lab tests.

The Prometheus copytrading account will have the same type of trading as the audited account shown below. 

Click on the graphic or on this link from the FX Blue website to view the rest of the statistics (graphs, statistics, risk, etc).

Here you can see another of the actual audited accounts whose goal is not profitability but to keep all Forex assets offered by RoboForex running relentlessly. This helps us to check the performance of different Forex pairs and make decisions about their inclusion or exclusion from the Prometheus account.

Click on the graphic or here to view the rest of the statistics on FX Blue's website.

You can see some images of the results of the laboratory tests that our Prometheus algorithmic system has undergone.

Statistics combined portfolio 18 pairs

What is Prometeo?

We tell you what Prometeo is. Click on the + sign to access the information in each section.

Prometheus was the titan friend of mortals, who stole fire from the gods to give it to men, which gave them extraordinary power. For this, Zeus punished Prometheus. He chained him and every day, an eagle ate his liver, but as he was immortal, the liver grew back. Prometheus is considered the titan protector of human civilization.

In mythology, Prometheus is related to Loki of Norse mythology.

In the same way, Prometheus intends to give men a powerful tool that will allow them to redirect their lives from submission to freedom.

Prometeo is a automated investment strategywhich bases its operation on complex pieces of code that allow the algorithm to self-adjust to market conditions. Once these pieces of code have been worked separately and united into a single Expert Advisor, an investment strategy based on martingale has been applied to it, which allows a high profitability and that, in general terms, the risk taken be less than the expected benefitwhich makes it a cost-effective system if proper money management is practiced.


The system allows you to invest in all Forex pairs with an optimal Risk/Reward expectation. Unlike other robots or expert advisors, Prometeo does not act on the basis of specific parameters for each investment asset, but uses a single set of compatible parameters for the type of market in which it works, thus ensuring that the system is in no way over-optimized. The system is adjusted at all times and smart way to the different market situations in each asset and at each moment in time.

Prometeo was designed for Forex and is also adaptable to other markets, it is developed on the MetaTrader 4 platform and later migrated to MetaTrader 5 where it was optimized by exclusive quantitative processes in our laboratories.

The result is a robot that parameterizes itself according to the market situation, risk management and money management. Or to put it more precisely, a bot that we have managed to calibrate so that it is able to find the most appropriate parameters for the current situation at any given moment, which gives it great versatility and allows it to trade successfully on any currency pair with the same calibration or preset.

At the time of launch, Prometheus has been tested for about two years on demo accounts and on live accounts for more than 500 days.

You can copy the Prometeo algorithm using a copytrading system, with no VPS costs, no need to manage the robot, no previous knowledge and no need to keep an eye on the chart.

Rafael Martin, the creator of Prometheusis a Spanish mathematics graduate and Master's Degree in Stock Markets and Financial Derivatives by the Universidad de Educación a Distancia (UNED), in Madrid. with more than 20 years of trading experience.

Your expertise in computer engineeringSince 2000, he has been working for an international technology company and his passion for trading has taken him on a journey through a myriad of investment strategies and trading assets, first as a trader manual and then in the field of R&D of investment algorithms.

In the 2013developed a bitcoin arbitrage robot which provided it with profits close to 10% monthly "no risk. And it exploited these kinds of inefficiencies of a fledgling market until a major exchange entered into bankruptcytaking their capital and their desire for financial freedom with them.

At 2018 and began his journey with the Forex botscombining his analytical and hard work skills.

In the newshas various prototypes in development, with Prometeo being its first product suitable for operation in real accounts.

Great Bitcoin advocateThe project is a meticulous and perfectionist project, after nearly 3 years working very hard with the staff of our quantitative optimization laboratory.

After two years of tireless lab work, testing, theoretical discussions, some frustration and resounding success with demo accounts, Prometeo started testing on real accounts in February 2021with different theoretical and operational approaches.

Rafael Martín has decided that Prometeo is ripe for showing and testing. 

Our laboratory has decided that this is an excellent product to be used by our Botvesting Community.

The intention of its creator, Rafael Martín, was that its design would solve, as far as possible, some of the problems presented by this type of martingale systems, such as:

  • Excessive use of the account margin due to a high number of operations in the cycles. Prometeo seeks to keep the number of hedges as low as possibleThis allows for a contained drawdown and a greater free margin.
  • Market regime changes, affected by volatility, high impact news, flash crashes, changes in vendor spreads, trading following trends and not against them, are the main focus of Prometeo's design and operation. To protect against and benefit from these events, it has several dynamic adjustment parameters. When looking for an optimal configuration, what we do is to calibrate the values that intervene in the algorithms that produce the dynamic generation of parameters used in the operation, thus achieving a adaptive trading.
  • Another common problem with this type of system is the lack of technical decision in hedging, which is usually based on a preset distance. Prometeo addresses this by opening operations only when price reversal patterns are formedThe minimum pip step, which has been generated dynamically and which is different at each instant, is also taken into account.
  • Another common failure of this type of system is the correlation between the assets traded and their combined negative influence on risk. Prometeo has the performance of all the assets operating in the portfolio when it comes to adjusting the level of risk, without renouncing the benefit of trading a large number of assets.

The approach is clearly focused on operational safety, and as a result Prometheus is more respectful of the margin, more conservative than any other algorithm of its kindThe company does not overtrade and with more accurate operations seeks a better risk/reward ratio.

Like other martingale-like bots, Prometheus it works by opening an initial purchase or sale transaction, and then has the possibility of opening martingale-type hedges. if the market moves against the initial trade. The objective of hedging is to bring the profit-taking of open orders closer together, so that they all close on a market correction and we can profit in the overall computation.

The approach is focused on the safety of the operation.As a result, Prometheus is more margin friendly, more conservative than any other algorithm of its kind, does not overtrade and with more accurate trades seeks a better risk/reward ratio.

Both the decision to buy or sell is based on the following criteria which, by themselves, represent a profitable strategy based on up to 14 different parameters, including the formation of price action patterns, indicators and volatility.

For all other orders, including the opening of hedges, the closing of operating cycles or profit taking, makes the same kind of intelligent decisions with a mathematical hope in its favor. This allows Prometeo to have a much higher success rate in each operation than other systems and to use the lowest possible margin in each decision, without sacrificing profits.

The system has been optimized with history going back to 2001 (the longest history we have been able to count on), with very clear design approaches:

  • That every first operation in a series is the last one.. Prometeo always looks for accurate, "sniper" entries. Not only in the first operation of each cycle, but in every coverage he has to perform.
  • The algorithm must be able to adapt to different market situations.. Prometeo reacts to adverse situations, such as a flash crash or an excessive increase in volatility, always looking for key points in the price that allow for intelligent position management. Most of its parameters are dynamic and "self-adjusting".
  • Do not incur in any case in over-optimization.. Prometeo uses a single set of parameters, regardless of the number of assets in the investment portfolio.
  • To have a set of parameters that are stable over time.The preset we have arrived at among many thousands that could replace it at any time is calibrated to work efficiently on all currency pairs offered by the copytrading service provider: RoboForex. The preset we have arrived at among many thousands that could replace it at any time, is calibrated to be able to work efficiently on all currency pairs offered by the copytrading service provider: RoboForex. It has proven this in backtests and also on live accounts, even on Gold and Silver, although with results that are not compatible with Forex risk management. All this is possible thanks to the more than 200 optimizable parameters currently available to Prometheus.
  • Stable over time long-term. We have room to force the operation and increase the risk, but we want to maintain good statistics over time and make the system attractive to anyone, with any capital. regardless of economic crises, pandemics or wars.
  • That it provides very substantial returns for the risk assumed.. The fact that the history at the time of the launch of over 500 days has a maximum negative float of 1.8% does not mean that this is the maximum negative float it can assume. In fact, we can safely say that it will not be the maximum risk that the system will assume in the future.
  • Avoiding high floats as far as possible. 

Definitely NO.

What Prometheus allows is a positive mathematical expectation of the system.The profit/loss ratio of the algorithm is highly skewed towards success. That is, the statistical probability of Prometheus making X2, X3 or X10 is higher than the probability of the investment ending in bankruptcy, but that possibility always exists, even though, if necessary, the account could be intervened by manual trading strategies in order to preserve the investment and the profit. 

And although this is not investment advice, but merely an observation based on our own experience and knowledge, we will always advise an operation based on the periodic withdrawal of profits. and not in the hope of getting rich. Easy to say, but sometimes difficult to assume.

The Holy Grail does not exist. What we can expect is to find, calculate and optimize statistically profitable investment systems that have worked in the past, proven by statistical processes of quantitative optimization and artificial intelligence, but that no one can be sure will work in the future.

And if you do not understand this risk, it is preferable that you first resolve all your doubts. The only responsible for your investments is you and only you assume the risk of using a copytrading product, so we recommend you to make your own research about what we are telling you.

You can ask any questions you may have at Our Telegram Community or in our supportwhere we have backtests, audited accounts, portfolio calculations and all the information you may need to evaluate whether you want to invest in Prometeo.

If you have understood the above and wish to be part of the investors in the Prometeo system, we show you below how to do it.

How to invest in Prometeo

If you want to join our community of Prometeo investors, follow the following sections where we tell you how to do it.
You can also follow this video tutorial where you can see the complete process or jump directly to the form to validate your Prometeo account.


To operate with products it is necessary to register an account in RoboForex with our Agent ID, which allows us to continue offering you products for free.

You can learn more about the complete RoboForex registration process.

Register a new account Real Pro-Cent at RoboForex affiliated with us. You can follow this link to do so or make sure that the account is linked to the Affiliation code "unfg"..

You should not use Pro-Standard accounts. They have no advantage over Pro-Cent and require multiplying the minimum recommended capital X100 (minimum 10.000$/Eur).

Accounts of the type ECN or Prime, will not be admitted in the social copy Prometeo, except that you have previously communicated with our support and there is a compelling reason for it.

Set the leverage to 1:1000.

Make sure your account has sufficient capital to trade. The Prometeo system requires at least 100$/Eur minimum investment in Cent accounts. Remember that Prometheus works in dollars, so it makes the most sense for your account to be funded in dollars as well.

To anchor, at Roboforex, you can navigate to

Select the account you have just created from the drop-down menu above, select the deposit mode (bank transfer, cryptocurrency, credit card or other). You can also fund from the wallet that RoboForex automatically creates for you during registration.

It is not advisable to use any bonus..

Enter the amount you are going to transfer to the new account created and click on the Deposit funds. Follow the on-screen instructions and your account will be funded.

If you are going to invest more than 10,000$it is recommended that you first talk to our support in case it is convenient for you to use another type of account.

Apply for Prometeo copy trading through the CopyFX system of RoboForex broker. Make sure you have selected in your RoboForex area the account with which you are going to start copying. If you have just completed the account registration and funding process, it should already be selected.

Leave the default parameters on the web, such as the proportionality or the type of copytrading you are going to perform. These parameters should not be changed if you are not very clear about what you are doing because you could be incurring in more risk than Prometheus' account.
Copytrading Prometeo subscription
If you have followed the above steps, you only need to click on the "Send request" button.
To make a copy proportional to the balance you have in your account, you don't need to touch anything else. This is the configuration you should have.
Copytrading trades copy mode settings
This is how your copy configuration should look like if you haven't changed anything

Validate your Prometeo social trading account

Once you have subscribed on the CopyFXIf you are not a member, fill out and submit the form below. The system will check if the account is correctly affiliated.

6-10 digit number provided by the broker.
Enter as it appears in MetaTrader or in the broker the name and surname associated with the MetaTrader account you have provided us with. We request this information to prevent a malicious user from activating the product without being the legitimate user.
If you provide us with your Telegram username, we will be able to invite you to our private groups and provide you with online support at no cost.
Your data will be safe. We store this data to give you the proper support, both as an Affiliate and as a User of our products.

Contact us!

We review applications on a regular basis. If you meet the requirements, we will accept you into the investment manually.

Notify us at our Telegram support so that we can speed up the manual validation process. Just open the link and tell us that you have registered account number XXXXXXX in the product, we will also add you at Telegram private group where the evolution of Prometheus will be followed.